DO Wash your hands with antibacterial soap every time before handling your lenses.
DO Use the solution provided/advised by your practitioner to clean your lenses well.
DO Use fresh, unexpired solution to store your lenses each day.
DO Replace your lens case every 30 days.
DO Ensure solution bottle is closed after use.
DO Contact your practitioner immediately if your eyes become very red, sensitive to light ot uncomfortable.
DO Keep your appointment for follow up care and remember to wear your lenses at least 2 hours before appointment and bring your spectacles with you.
DO Keep an up to date pair of spectacles.
DO Use eye make up designed for contact lens wearers.
DO Have a complete visual examination every year.
DO NOT Reuse daily contact lenses.
DO NOT Use tap water to wash your lenses or lens case.
DO NOT Sleep in your lenses unless advised by your practitioner.
DO NOT Go over the recommended wearing schedule with your lenses.
DO NOT Dilute or re-use solution in the case.
DO NOT Wear your lenses near aerosol sprays, noxious fumes, welding or electrical sparking.
DO NOT Swim or use spa’s or sauna’s in your contact lenses.
DO NOT Wear lenses if your eyes are red or uncomfortable.
DO NOT Store your contact lenses in saline. It will not disinfect your lenses.
DO NOT Apply drops or eye medication without first consulting your practitioner.
DO NOT Take the advice of other contact lens wearers without consulting your practitioner.
DO NOT Touch the bottle tip to any surface or your eye since this may contaminate the solution or cause injury to your eye.